Last week's
revelations from the UK government that Michael Gove's Education Department has formally enabled the
privatisation of child protection services has rightly sent shock waves around
Local Government trades unionists and those involved in the care of vulnerable children. Social workers are the lead professionals
charged with safeguarding vulnerable children. They don't just work for their
vocation, on the whole they work from deep convictions about the safety of
every child, and from a sense of public service. All that will change if Gove's
plans succeed.
The Health
and Social Care Act came into force in April 2013 and set the legal framework
for privatising on a bigger scale than ever before within the NHS and Social
Care. Almost immediately Richard Branson's Virgin Care company took over Devon's
Integrated Children's Services responsible for some of the most disabled and
vulnerable children with physical and learning disabilities. Since then Virgin
Care has become one of many private companies slowly but surely signing up
lucrative contracts up and down the country to run not only Local Authority,
but NHS services as well. The Bureau of Investigative
Journalism reported in 2011 that one in seven board members of the first wave
of Clinical Commissioning Groups (previously PCT's) had a link to a private
health care company. More than 60% of those with private links were
associated with Assura Medical now Virgin Care.
The work of
Ofsted is used as ammunition in the ideological arguments being put forward by
those peddling the idea that service improvements and the safety of children
can be left to market forces and business ethics. Ofsted inspections now
include social care as well as schools. Of 50 child protection services
inspected by Ofsted in 2012-13 because they had been previously identified as
weak, more than one third were judged as still inadequate in terms of their
overall effectiveness. The real reason for poor provision is the relentless
squeeze on budgets, higher demand, and low staff morale which leads to high
staff turnover and increasing use of expensive agency staff. Many child
protection services are running with unfilled vacancies as Local Government
funding is cut.
reports are seized upon to name and shame Local Government social care
departments and add to the refrain that staff are feckless, overpaid, poorly
managed etc. The solution from the right-wing media is to allow private
companies to bring market discipline and business ethics to family's with
multiple problems. There is now a momentum building behind this policy
aspiration in the context of financial austerity and cuts to public services
where we are persuaded that there is no alternative but privatisation. It is
another classic case of deliberately running down a public service and make it
ready for a business takeover.
Worse, there
is some heavyweight intellectual support for opening up Local Government
children's social services to privateers- ironically coming from the London
School of Economics, often cited as the place where modern social work was
defined during the post 2nd World War welfare state political consensus. The
LSE's social care guru, Professor Julian Le Grand, is pushing his plan to
improve children's social care by privatising it and undermining the basic
principles of the Welfare State. Councils in Doncaster, Richmond and Kingston
are already experimenting with creating private companies to run social care,
while Staffordshire and Bristol have allowed groups of social workers to set
themselves up as independent practices separate from Local Authority control.
Le Grand has been asked by the government to beef-up his earlier
recommendations and is expected to report soon. Just in time to use as
ammunition against the protests which will now start against the Gove plans.
The private
sector has a woeful track record in these areas of service. The privatisation
of Young Offenders Institutions has led to an increase in incidents involving
riots, self-harm and suicide. Most inmates come from deprived and disadvantaged
backgounds. It is another example of where a former public service has been
contracted out to big companies such as G4S and SERCO earning millions of
pounds in profits while leading to a poorer service and more problems. The
number of young people who have committed suicide in Young Offenders
Institutions over the past ten years averages three per year. Last year, there
were over 3,000 incidents of violence in youth custody establishments and
another 1,500 instances of self-harming- far more than before privatisation.
children are too precious to be left to the ideology and practices of private
companies where profits come before people. Gove's policy must be resisted.
Over time he has morphed into the most ideological of Cameron's ministers,
relentless in his attack on public education and an obsessive free marketeer.
The supreme irony in all this is that he was adopted as a baby and benefitted
from the care of social workers and adoptive parents who were part of a public
service system that put his interests above all other considerations and where
money had no part to play. His plans will mean other children now in his situation
are to have their futures sacrificed on the altar of free enterprise .
Principal Lecturer in Social Work, and co-author of: Safeguarding Children and Young People- A Guide to Integrated Practice (Russsell
House Publications).
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